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long beach (美國)長灘。

long distance

The school district in long beach , california , was the first in the country to require uniforms in all elementary and middle schools 加利福尼亞長灘市的學校區就是第一個在小學和中學要求穿著制服的。

Spoken by supreme master ching hai , five - day international retreat , long beach , ca , u . s . a . , december 28 , 1996 originally in english 清海無上師以英文講于美國加州長堤國際禪五1996 . 12 . 28影帶編號573

Spoken by supreme master ching hai five - day international retreat , long beach , ca , u . s . a . , december 28 , 1996 originally in english 清海無上師以英文講于美國加州長堤國際禪五1996 . 12 . 28影帶編號573

The school district in long beach , california , was the first in the country to require uniforms in all elementary and middle schools 加利福尼亞的l區是第一個要求所有的小學和中學穿校服的地區。

To the wonderful doctors and nurses at the department of veterans ' affairs medical center at long beach , he was a walking miracle 在長灘的退役軍人醫療中心,所有的醫生和護士都認為他是個奇跡。

They will shake the hand , he is only to heard l - oo - oo - ng knick - knack , paddy wack give a dog a bone long beach city i wreck is my zone 掛念時候合上我雙眼如蜜餞聲音去又返讓思念摸索你面容像已清減

She says other steps taken at the same time to improve schools in long beach and statewide could have influence ( influenced ) the findings 她說在長海和全區實行的其他政策可能影響了調查結果。

The school district in long beach , california , was the first in the country to require uniforms in all elementary and middle schools 位于加洲長灘的校區是美國所有中小學中率先要求穿校服的。

Arrive at los angeles long beach in the morning , enjoy breakfast onboard before ending your exciting cruise trip 早上約八時到達,您可以享用早餐后,再結束這次海上之旅通過海關費時,

The school district in long beach , california , was the first in the country to require uniforms in all elementary and middle schools 加州長灘學校是全國首次要求所有中小學生穿制服。

Findings in long beach suggested that the policy resulted in fewer behavior problems and better attendance 長海區的研究認為這種規定導致問題行為的降低和更高出勤率。

Long beach and check in before 2 : 00pm . discover the luxurious facilities on the fun ship . embark around 5 : 30pm 豪華游輪于下午5 : 30自碼頭啟錨,迎著夕陽,駛向太平洋。

When the admission booth opened , a photographer for the long beach press - telegram captured him buying the first ticket 麥克弗森始終排在第一位,沒有人排在他的前面。

The delivery was monitored and on arrival in long beach was cleared by the customs officer 此運輸過程一直受到監視,當貨品運抵長灘,即由該嫌疑關員負責清關。

In proc . acm symp . principles of programming languages , long beach , california , 2005 , pp . 158 - 170 2設計了一個內嵌計算的schema語言去表達xml的降級訪問策略。

Spoken by the supreme master ching hai , long beach , california , u . s . a . , december 28 , 1996 originally in english 清海無上師以英文講于美國加州長堤1996 . 12 . 28

Findings in long beach suggested that policy results in fewer behavior problems and better attendance 發現指出政策導致了很少的行為問題和更好的出席人數。

Upper cheung sha beach , the longest beach in hong kong , offers tremendous views over the south china sea 上長沙海灘上長沙海灘是全港最長的海灘。

Other cities that bid for the games are toronto , montreal , dallas , and long beach 期望比賽的另外的城市是多倫多,蒙特利爾,達拉斯,和長沙灘。